If you’re reading this, I am vulnerable, you will have the ability to judge my opinions, experiences, values and most of all my heart. Worn edges reflects my soul, sharing strengths, weaknesses, failures and successes. The poetry defines my joy, humour, humanity, worries, struggles, frustrations and fears.
I have been gathering experiences and information, coaching and mothering for 24 years. My passion is people, their learning process, their depths of joy and sorrow, everything about the human plight fascinates me. I have a layered understanding of what it takes to keep moving forward. My mission is to be a better person today then I was yesterday, a better person tomorrow than I am today.
I live by the motto the truth will set you free, I tell my children, you may not like the truth or the outcome, but it will strengthen you into the best version of yourself, it will make you a survivor and not a victim.
Like broken glass in the ocean, we are rolled and tumbled through life, slowly stepping away from our jagged edges, to become a different version of who we once were. Embrace the journey or not, the waters will still rush, and the waves will still swell. Edges will always be worn, what we do with them is our choice.
There is abundance to be experienced in the moment
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